Rahall told Congressional Quarterly that,
"the new voters he has brought to the process this year and the new direction, in my opinion, add up to what our country needs.”Rahall indicated he gave Obama his endorsement privately up to a week and a half ago. Rahall is also a superdelegate and joins United States Senator Jay Rockefeller as the only supers in West Virginia to endorse Obama. So far, superdelegates Marie Prezioso and Belinda Biafore have endorsed Hillary Clinton.
Chicago, IL –Teresa Benitez-Thompson, a superdelegate from Nevada announced she is supporting Senator Barack Obama for President today, citing his ability to bring new voters into the Democratic Party:“This year, Democrats are graced with the opportunity to choose among excellent candidates for our nation’s highest office. After careful thought, it is my honor today to endorse Sen. Barack Obama who, day by day and state by state, is challenging politics as usual and engaging so many new, diverse, Democratic voters. These new voters will propel Sen. Obama to victory in November and help elect great Democrats at the state and local level.”Teresa Benitez-Thompson is the First Vice Chair of the Nevada State Democratic Party.
Obama is, without a doubt, the most fantastic man in history. We should elect him president, and let him rule the world. He will make everything free for everyone, and bring peace and happiness to the masses. Go Obama!
Tommy in Denver
I am unsure about what your meaning of free is....and the dripping sarcasm regarding the 'masses' and happiness. His economic advisor's are from the Friedman conservative School of Economics at the U of Chicago which many progressives have a big problem with and as far as peace for the masses many think he is not progressive enough seeking an immediate pull out of all forces in Iraq.
He is by all accounts much like Lincoln was in 1860, far more moderate than his fellow progressives like Kucinich or Edwards, that said like Lincoln his candidacy could be more radical than most insiders want since they will be asked to go on the outside.
To me the biggest change would be to revisit the concept of corporate artificial personhood. Artificial persons are not real, do not possess citizen rights and therefore should not be given any legal rights, it is akin to TR's thoughts in busting the trusts at the turn of the 20th Century.
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