Interesting Endorsement List for Obama

Woman Senators: Claire McCaskill (D-MO) and former Senator Jean Carnahan (D-MO) {Clinton has 6 including herself, of the 12 woman senators}
Senate Chairman, (consider them super-superdelegates for there is bite in their bark):
Conrad (D-ND) Budget; Dodd (D-CT) Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs; Dorgan (D-ND) Democratic Policy and Indian Affairs; Durbin (D-IL) Majority Whip; Johnson (D-SD) Ethics;
Kennedy (D-MA) Health, Education, Labor; Kerry (D-MA) Small Business; Leahy (D-VT) Judiciary; Rockefeller (D-WV) Intelligence; other notables; Feingold (D-WI), Nelson (D-NE), Paul Strauss (D-DC), . (12) {Clinton has 13; 20 remain neutral)
Woman Congresspersons: Melissa Bean (D-IL); Gwen Moore (D-WI); Zoe Lofgren (D-CA); Betty McCollum (D-MN); Kathy Castor (D-FL); Linda Sanchez
(D-CA); Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), Rosa DeLauro (D-CT); Carol Shea-Porter (D-NH); Anna Eshoo (D-CA); Stephanie Herseth-Sandlin (D-SD); Eleanor Holmes-Norton (D-DC); Barabara Lee (D-CA) (.13) {Clinton has 73 to 71 of all Democratic Representatives, 78 remain uncommitted.}
Woman Governors: Christine Gregoire (D-WA); Janet Napolitano (D-AZ); & Kathleen
Sebelius; plus 8 others; Acevede-Vila (D-PR), Blgojevich (D-IL), Culver (D-IA), De Jongh (D-VI), Doyle (D-WI), Kaine (D-VA), Patrick (D-NM), Richardson (D-NM). (12) {Clinton has 10 to Obama's 12, 9 remain uncommitted.}
Former Presidential Aides: Zbigniew Brzezinski (Carter's Natl Sec Advisor), William
Daley (Sec of Commerce), Anthony Lake (Clinton's Natl Sec Advisor), Ted Sorensen (JFK's Advisor/speechwriter), David Wilhelm (Clinton's '92 campaign chairman), Clifford Alexander (Sec of the Army), Richard Danzig (Sec of the Navy), Gen McPeak (Sec of USAF), Adm John Nathman (Vice Chief of Naval Operations), F Whitten Peters (Sec of USAF), Paul Volcker (Chairman of the Fed Reserve).
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