In above column Krauthammer attempts to parse and breakdown Obama's major points of connecting Obama's grandmother's fear of strange African-American men on the street and occasionally expressing racial bias to that of Rev. Wright's pulpit epitaphs as ill-conceived "moral equivalence" and "white guilt". He bellows at Obama for tolerating (this of course is Charles twisted worldview) the racism of Rev. Wright, for Krauthammer knows racial & ethnic bigotry personally as he is open about his hatred towards all Arabs. Krauthammer has stated on television numerous times that Israel must triumphant in every conceivable political situation with the Arabs where they are always wrong and that the Jews are always victims in a world perpetually divided between them and gentiles.
The simple conclusion is that Charles the commentator of the past sees the world no differe

Yes, Rev. Wright experienced racism all throughout his life, while Krauthammer, who ironically grew up in neighboring Canada, went to the privileged halls of McGill College and Harvard U., where he never actually suffered the ravages that were inflicted on Jews throughout history and especially in the 20th Century. Even though genocide social injustices, prejudices and historical oppression that have been placed on Jews is real, and the need to continually validate it, Charles' virtual experience does not compare with Rev. Wright's personal experience, where in all reality Wright's paranoia is far more legitimate---meaning Krauthammer's effort to minimize Obama's speech through his questions is simply more of Charles' effort at psychological propagandizing--for the gain of the right-wing, which he serves.

James Carville's outrageous and inflammatory statement calling Gov. Richardson's endorsement of Obama as an:
“An act of betrayal,” an adviser to Mrs. Clinton and a friend of Mr. Clinton.
“Mr. Richardson’s endorsement came right around the anniversary of the day when Judas sold out for 30 pieces of silver, so I think the timing is appropriate, if ironic,” Mr. Carville said, referring to Holy Week.The personal nature of the Clinton camp's characterizations continues to confirm the point that the Clinton's failed mindset that their quest for the White House was entitled and that all that oppose them are personally disloyal. One thing is for certain the psychological warfare of the constant Clinton attack on the Obama movement is doing two things; it is cementing the nation's consciousness that or the validity of her negative numbers and two, her willingness to to try to win at all cost, including the health of the Democratic Party. My intuition is that another Big Superdelegate will fall in Obama's camp this week giving cover to Bill Richardson. One other note is that whether the 30 pieces reference was meant to say that Bill Richardson will receive the vaunted Secretary of State role when Obama wins the presidency.

Finally Senator Chuck Hagel (R-Neb) was on the Sunday morning talk show circuit when he was a guest on "This Week with George Stepanopolous" s discussing his book "GOP's Future" where he says:
"Watershed years such as 1994, 1980, 1932 and 1854....all had one thing in common. The political party in power were thrown out because the people saw it as irrelevant and incapable of leading America....We are living in such a time."
Hagel went on to deny his party was in a state of irrelevancy, but the reality is altogether different; their fund-raising is down, their voter registration is down, their voter participation is down and my father's description of the three candidates running then in Florida was: Worst, Worster, and Worstest. I would be interested to hear what any of you say either via email or comment.
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