"There is no doubt in my mind that Barack Obama has the judgment and courage we need in a commander in chief when our nation's security is on the line," Richardson said. "He showed this judgment by opposing the Iraq war from the start, and he has shown it during this campaign by standing up for a new era in American leadership internationally."
Underlining the aforementioned superdelegates; the score is now 2-to-1 with four still on the fence, (that said Bill Frist's son is working for the Clinton camp and has already been identified performing a dirty trick back in '07). The next class of superdelegates that I identify are; Chris Dodd, Joe Biden, Raul Emmanuel, Dennis Hoyer, John Kerry and Howard Dean. In this next class of superdelegates lies the actual national political power in the Democratic Party where again Obama holds a 2-to-1 advantage (4 remaining neutral) with support from Senators John Kerry & Chris Dodd. The last "Big" superdelegate class is probably better described as the party's elders; President Jimmy Carter, former presidential candidates, Walter Mondale & Michael Dukakis, Geraldine Ferraro, Tom Daschele and Dick Gephardt. In this class Clinton holds the old school slate of 3-to-1 (two remaining neutral). By this count the superdelegate race is tied 5-to-5 in areas of the "Big" superdelegates.
The count now is 246-to-211. Finally I was told yesterday privately from a deep inside political wok friend, that the speech in Philadelphia which stemmed the bleed in the Obama campaign is about to move a couple more of those "Big" superdelegates where they are now looking to make a very practical political decision, folding in this campaign and coming in behind Obama for unity. I was not told about Richardson but this coincides with the Ted & Caroline Kennedy endorsement before Super Tuesday where that also stemmed the tide against Obama and where now Obama has gained gathered 45 or more superdelegates to Clinton losing a handful. Watch this dynamic for if Edwards or Biden come out in the next week I was told Gore might not be far behind in looking to end this ordeal of tearing down the top of the ticket.
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