In the end I was fooled by Geraldine Ferraro as I have been by many public figures, (except for my friend Bob Knight, but that is for another time). Geraldine is not really a racist like my grandfathers', who were in another time and place. They often felt permission to use the "N' word in their home and the right places, and could say it and mean it. In their minds it was not so much racism as class conscious, for to them African-Americans were the lowest class and they were to remain there. As far more real back in their time than it is now, when class consciousness even veiled racism today it is so veiled, where Ferraro and her ilk is all about class and sexism where the feminists are white & privileged. Let me break it down piece by piece and reveal Ferraro.
If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position," she continued. "And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept.What exactly did she mean? Well she is saying that because the Democratic Party is composed by a large block of African-American and she discounts all the other---meaning that he actually is a mixed racial person, the son of a single mother, a self-made person who because he was academically brilliant and became an honored graduate from both Columbia and Harvard Law School. She discounts that he became a low-paid community activist in impoverished areas, then became a top-ranked civil rights lawyer and professor. She discounts the fact that he got elected as a State Senator from Chicago when he ran against the Daley organization. She discounts that he got nominated for the Illinois Senator against a field that was endorsed again by the Democratic powers, who came without any social privilege or family legacy, became only the 3rd Senator in US history to be elected who was at least partially African-American. There have been only five African-Americans to win a statewide race at the top of the ticket for either Governor or Senator in modern times. She discounts the fact that three other African-Americans ran for president and were never considered a serious major candidate. She discounts that white woman and white men by a larger majority have voted for Obama.
And there you have it, the anger, the frustration---that her ilk, the old-guard feminists have lost. For Geraldine Ferraro she says that a person, especially a woman, with all those credentials going into the presidential race...the self-made self, the academic success, the community service, the lack of privilege, the lack of family legacy, the professional success, the political success, the personal charisma, African-American, mixed racial, or Latino or Asian---woman or man---would not be in the position of Obama---I SAY BULL-HOCKEY....you are ridiculous Ferraro.
Ms. Ferraro and her ilk, there have been 30 Governors elected in the U.S. and only two African-American Governors, Virginia and Massachusetts. Monday a third will be installed because of NY Governor's resignation when an African-American Lt. Governor will be sworn-in. There have been 35 woman elected to the US Senate, one was a woman, Carol Mosely Braun, also of Illinois, and yet only five US Senators have ever been elected and two served during Reconstruction when there was no popular vote. Only three have been elected since, Edward Brooke from Massachusetts (1967-1979) and Carol Mosley Braun (1993-1997) and Brack Obama (2005-present) both from Illinois. So tell anyone reading this, tell me how does one make the case that Obama is lucky to his heritage? But there is more, on ABC's Good Morning America this morning:
In the interview with the newspaper, Ferraro also rejected the notion that Obama will bring together Republicans and Democrats.
"I was reading an article that said young Republicans are out there campaigning for Obama because they believe he's going to be able to put an end to partisanship," Ferraro said. "Dear God! Anyone that has worked in the Congress knows that for over 200 years this country has had partisanship — that's the way our country is."
In February, Ferraro made similarly racially-charged remarks on Fox News Radio's John Gibson show.When asked about the decision of Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga., to abandon his endorsement of Clinton in favor of Obama, Ferraro said:
"I'm very disappointed. When I see John Lewis. He's turning around — this is a civil rights leader. Why in God's name did he change his vote from Hillary to Barack Obama? I'll tell you why. He's not going to lose a Democratic primary in his district in two years, but he sure as hell will face one if he sticks it to Barack Obama when he has a greater majority of blacks in his district. He's not going to lose. I'm so disappointed in him, I could die."
"John, between me and you and your millions of listeners, if Barack Obama were a white man, would we be talking about this as a potential real problem for Hillary Clinton? ? If he were a woman of any color, would he be in this position that he's in? Absolutely not,"Ferraro said.
"Geraldine, are you playing the race card?" the host asked.
"No, and that's the problem. Every time you say the truth — I'm the first person, John, and you know how honest I am — I am the first person who will say in 1984, if my name were Gerard instead of Geraldine, I would never have been picked as the vice presidential candidate."
In a follow-up interview with the local California paper that broke the story, Ferraro defended her remarks.
"Any time anybody does anything that in any way pulls this campaign down and says let's address reality and the problems we're facing in this world, you're accused of being racist, so you have to shut up," Ferraro told the Daily Breeze. "Racism works in two different directions. I really think they're attacking me because I'm white. How's that?"

After making racially-charged comments about Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, former vice presidential Democratic nominee Geraldine Ferraro stepped down Wednesday as a surrogate and a member of the finance committee for the presidential campaign of Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY.
"She made the decision that she wants to continue talking about this and didn't want to do this in a way that would cause the campaign problems,"
a Clinton campaign source told ABC News.
The source insisted that the campaign did not ask Ferraro to leave.
That does not mean, however, that the Clinton campaign had not asked her to shut up.
Ferraro had caused the Clinton campaign embarrassment and controversy after telling a California newspaper that if Clinton's rival, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois,
"was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept."Now for my final comment. This kind of attitude is not alone in the Clinton campaign, especially locally where many old guard feminists hold similar contempt and misguided work views and the fight is now very ugly. It is ugly because the Clinton people anticipated this entitled position of expecting Clinton to be the president going back 8 years and now it is being exposed as an illusion. For now I am calling this the Ferraro syndrome, white privileged feminists who don't get it, it is not about race or about men, it is about who is the best and that is all.
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