
AP: Obama at 1382 delegates, MSNBC 1395,

The Associated Press (AP) is saying their math has Obama currently at 1382 delegates (1187 pledged) with 195 superdelegates (Clinton at 242) committed to the campaign, gaining 43 since Super Tuesday's February 5th.

MSNBC's First Read's NBC News's Hard Count has the delegate count with Obama at 1192 pledged delegates and Clinton at 1132. Their Superdelegate count has Clinton leading with 255 to Obama's 203 (not counting two more the campaign received on Friday). They are stating that since Febuary 5th Obama has picked up 33 superdelegates, where Clinton has lost 6. They then project Obama at 1395 total delegates committed to Clinton's 1290, or a 105 delegate lead.

CNN's Election Center 2008 has Obama with 1369 total delegates to Clinton's 1267 comprised of the following: Obama has 1184 pledged and 185 superdelegates while Clinton has 1031 pledged and 236 superdelegates.

Why the apparent deviations? I am not sure they all have trouble with math, but certainly Obama has a just over a 100+ delegate lead going into "Firewall Tuesday".

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