
UPDATE: Obama wins Guam; 53% to 46% and picks up Add-ON superdelegates

Updating today's events will be over time but already Obama picked up his first official superdelegate Add-On from South Carolina, where former state Education Superintendent Inez Tenenbaum (D-SC) beat out 14 other candidates by a wide margin at their state convention this morning. The hard count now stands Clinton 267 to Obama's 245. Later today we have the Illinois Central Committee meeting where Mayor Daley, and two other Chicagoans are expected to be selected as Obama superdelegates. Also Mayrland will have their selection process.

Guam has had their caucus and results are expected shortly where early returns show Obama holding a 56% lead. He needs to get 59% or better to pick up a 3-1 delegate advantage. UPDATE: Obama won Guam 53% to 46%! Other Add-On reports are that Obama and Clinton split the Maryland cache one each.

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