Falling LIKE A ROCK BACK TO EARTH [did I call Palin an inanimate object---no]
Okay Sarah Palin, the one that Republican Senator Chuck Hagel (NE) stated this week was a SSSTTTRRRREEEEETTTTTTCCCCCCCHHHHHHHto be a Vice

With the unprecidented buyouts by the FED's the bail out plan there were some who stated that our nation has suddenly fallen into a socialist state. Well not really, socialism or communism actually is a state where there is no private property as a economic and social government system. Actually we have now exposed what was rumored to be for some time as a NEO National Socialist nation, err neo-Fascist State. You see the National Socialist Workers Party was a propaganda ploy of using a lie to describe itself. Actually the NAZI's where a partnership of the Military, BIG BUSINESS (mainly the BANKS and firms like Bayer, Volkswagon, Mercedes, & Thyssen) and the Authoritarian Government......hmmmm.
Let us see. In what could be described as a financial coup stemming from the financial markets collapsing under the weight of abdjunct speculation fueled by Republican deregulation and neo- laissez faire politics, the BIG BANKS and CORPORATIONS are now raiding the rest of the treasury to save their sorry asses. Simultaneously we are in a state of perpetual war for foreign lands and resources while internally there is an authoritarian social regressive revolution.
Maybe I am just too aware but that was the precise definition of German-Italian Fascism in my college days when I studied Political Science.
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