LETTERMAN---"the road to the White House goes through my show"
In case you have missed it last night John McCain canceled his appearance on Late Night with David Letterman at 3:00 PM Eastern time, about an hour before the show was schedu

Tonight the Conservative Republican base appears to have revolted against its sitting President and its Presidential nominee. Bail out Deal Stalls

A Republican revolt stalled urgent efforts to lash together a national economic rescue plan Thursday, a chaotic turnaround on a day that had seemed headed for a success that President Bush, both political parties and their presidential candidates could celebrate at an extraordinary White House meeting.The New York Times had began to make sense of this Mississippi Flood of man made financial disasters, as McCain leaps into the thicket:Weary congressional negotiators worked into the night, joined by Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson in an effort to revive or rework the $700 billion proposal that President Bush said must be quickly approved by Congress to stave off potentially "a long and deep recession."
They gave up after 10 p.m. EDT, more than an hour after the lone House Republican involved, Rep. Spencer Bachus of Alabama, left the room. Democrats blamed the House Republicans for the apparent stalemate. Those conservatives have complained that the plan would be too costly for taxpayers and would be an unacceptable federal intrusion into private business.
Talks were to resume Friday morning on the effort to bail out failing financial institutions and restart the flow of credit that has begun to starve the national economy. The plan's centerpiece still is for the government to buy the toxic, mortgage-based assets of shaky financial institutions in a bid to keep them from going under and setting off a cascade of ruinous events, including wiped-out retirement savings, rising home foreclosures, closed businesses, and lost jobs.
Senator McCain had intended to ride back into Washington on Thursday as a leader who had put aside presidential politics to help broker a solution to the financial crisis. Instead he found himself in the midst of a remarkable partisan showdown, lacking a clear public message for how to bring it to an end.If this is not Harry Carey by "ideologically-speaking" I don't know what is. These Republicans as Ed Rollins the old Reagan campaign aide and political advisor has said that those Republican Congressman and Senators are hunkering down and thinking about personal survivial and the remnants of their party and ideology instead of the nation. Yes they are being partisan and willing to tank the market and all that goes with it---[That is for you Tom, your authoritarians without conscience as John Dean coined.] They are willing to thumb their noses at Bush & McCain and go home to try to survive in safe districts.At the bipartisan White House meeting that Mr. McCain had called for a day earlier, he sat silently for more than 40 minutes, more observer than leader, and then offered only a vague sense of where he stood, said people in the meeting.
In subsequent television interviews, Mr. McCain suggested that he saw the bipartisan plan that came apart at the White House meeting as the proper basis for an eventual agreement, but he did not tip his hand as to whether he would give any support to the alternative put on the table by angry House Republicans, with whom he had met before going to the White House.
Now t

For one she cannot explain how her proximity to Russia and Canada translates into foreign relations experience.----She reminded me of a sales person who just wanted to make the sale and didn't know anything about the product of your needs, but she is ready!

Two, she says we should never second guess Israel unconditionally because it will lead to another holocost....almost middle school logic but more like a high school social studies intellectual understanding-----dangerous and confused.
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