ELKO, NV -- Obama used his third campaign trip to this city in northern Nevada to link McCain to the very “old boys’ network” the GOP presidential nominee says he has promised to fight.

“Yesterday, John McCain actually said that if he’s president he’ll take on, and I quote, 'the old boys’ network in Washington.' I’m not making this up. This is somebody been in Congress for 26 years, who put seven of the most powerful Washington lobbyists in charge of his campaign. And now he tells us that he’s the one who’s gonna take on the old boys' network,” he said. “In the McCain campaign that’s called a staff meeting!”Nudges: da Polls da Polls.... things go bump in the night

- TODAY's UPDATE: Gallup 09/18 Daily Tracking Poll: Obama 48% to McCain 44%, first lead in 2 weeks (since RNC bump).
- CBS-NY Times: Obama 48% --- McCain 43% (Obama moved 7 points registered voters, Obama leads 48%-43%, with a (margin of error of +/- 3%). Among likely voters, Obama 49%-to-McCain's 44%. Last week, following the RNC convention McCain's held a a 46%-44% lead among registered voters -- NOT NOW!)
- Quinnipiac University National Poll Obama leads 49% to 45% where the polls also says Obama plans will help out the middle class and poor finds Obama securing a 14-point lead among women, 91% with Black-American voters, The Quinnipiac University Poll, directed by Douglas Schwartz, Ph.D.
- RES 2000 Poll: Obama 49% to 43%
- Rasmussen Reports Poll: Obama 48% to McCain 48%
- Gallup Daily Tracking Poll: Obama 48% to McCain 46%
- Zogby Poll: Obama 47% to McCain 45%
- SURPRISE NEW A BATTLEGROUND STATE! Indiana Indy Star-WTHR: Obama 47% to McCain 44%----The poll, conducted Sunday through Tuesday by Selzer & Co. of Des Moines, Iowa, also revealed a geographic disparity between the two candidates: Obama, currently holds a 54% to 40% lead in Indianapolis, McCain, leads in all other regions of the state, (the poll, with a 4 % point margin of error).
- Surprise...surprise...surprise...North Carolina: CNN-TIME; McCain 48% to Obama 47%
- New Mexico: SurveyUSA; Obama 52% to McCain 44% and ARG; Obama 51% to McCain 44%
- Wisconsin: Rasmussen; Obama 48% to McCain 46%, CNN; Obama 50% to 47%
- Florida...Florida....Florida: CNN-TIME; Obama 48% to McCain 48%
- Ohio...Ohio...Ohio... CNN-TIME; Obama 49% to McCain 47%
Brain Cramps: McCain on Spain's Prime Minister; Who's That????

John McCain either doesn't know who the Prime Minister of Spain is, thinks Spain is a country in Latin America, or possibly both! What is just beginning to break on the national news with TIME and Washington Post; yesterday McCain was being interviewed by a Florida affiliate of a Spanish radio network, (Union Radio)---in the interview McCain apparently demonstrated that he didn't know who the Prime Minister of Spain was and then---assumed he was some anti-American leftist leader from South America! (NO SHIT!)
In the recorded interview the reporter presses him a couple times on the point and tries to focus him on the fact that Prime Minister Zapatero isn't from Mexico, or isn't a drug lord either where McCain comes back at her saying,
"All I can tell you is that I have a clear record of working with leaders in the Hemisphere that are friends with us and standing up to those who are not. And that's judged on the basis of the importance of our relationship with Latin America and the entire region."
This is followed by a understandable moment of an awkward pause, before the woman reporter continues:
"But what about Europe? I'm talking about the President of Spain."
McCain clearly confused responds:
"What about me, what?
The interviewer:
"Are you willing to meet with him if you're elected president?"
"I am wiling to meet with any leader who is dedicated to the same principles and philosophy that we are for humans rights, democracy and freedom. And I will stand up to those who do not."
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