
35 Days left and McCain's campaign continues to fall why?

Personally I believe this election is far bigger in its societal and historical significance than the persons or personalities that are contesting for this next Presidency. We, as a nation, and global society, have experienced whact can only be nothing but a consistent eight years of dysfunctional and governing destructive policies that only can be explained as an attempt to dismantle our Two-Hundred and Thirty Year Republic. Was these eight years the attempt to implement the New World Order that have been whispered for years?

In all aspects if you conscientiously review the last eight years starting with the War in Iraq was by all respect a conquest and not war of defense, this finally being admitted in the fog of this year's politics has underlined the other maddening policies and actions by this government. Its economic policies resulted and were predicated to transfer as much wealth and power to the wealthy as was before the Great Depression when fascism was common among the Gilded in our society. The effort to privatize Social Security unmasked their transparent veil as a final full throttle effort, as was this bail out plan. The utter disregard for governing competence exampled by Katrina's Rescue and Recovery does not need any more words. The unabashed and unapologetic move to circumvent practically every Constitutional "check & balance" with its absolute disregard for the rule of law, human and even American citizenry civil rights is well documented. Now, the economic melt down predicted by their former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neil is touching all, including the rich who are vested in a Wall Street meltdown.

That all said; the US electorate is beginning to speak out almost a month before the final voting day. I say final day because a few states are already receiving Mail In ballots and where Ohio is engaged in early voting despite Republican cries. Next week Colorado will join a growing number of states where votes will be cast. The fears of the Republicans are quite public where all efforts for voter suppression in the guise of protecting integrity of the vote is under way, but even with a 3-5% potential corruption hopefully be overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of new registrations. The AP reports that the Democrat advantage has grown to 42M to 31M.
The Democrats have posted big gains in many competitive states, including Nevada, New Hampshire, Iowa, Colorado and Florida. They have also been targeting historically Republican southern states.
In Colorado the Rocky Mountain News reports that over 215,000 new registrations have occurred since January 1st with still a weekend to go.

Statewide, nearly 215,000 people between Jan. 1 and Sept. 1 registered as a new voter or because they moved to a different county, according to Magellan Data and Mapping Strategies in Louisville.


Of those newly registered voters, 78,013 are Democrats, compared with 48,451 Republicans. New unaffiliated voters outnumber both major parties, with 85,795 registrations during that eight-month period, according to the political consulting firm.

More than 40 percent of new voters are opting for mail ballots.

Across the nation states are having problems administrating this new demand. Florida are report in the Sun Sentinal states that the backlog is huge.

TALLAHASSEE - Fueled by a historic presidential campaign, a wave of new voter registrations has swamped the Florida elections office — and prompted state officials to turn to counties for a lifeline.

The state Division of Elections, overwhelmed by 25,000 registrations that arrived this week alone, now has a backlog of 32,000 voter files.

The Miami Herald reports that Florida has seen 600,00 new voter registrations.
Since January, there have been 109,361 newly registered black voters in Florida, according to the Florida Democratic Party. That represents 18 percent of the total 613,680 new registrations statewide.
In every battleground state reports are that Nevada has seen over 500,000 new voters registered, New Jersey has seen a 3.5% increase. North Carolina just reported a new record with 600,000 new registrations.

Spurred by heavy registration in big urban counties -- particularly among young voters and African Americans -- N.C. voter rolls have swollen by more than 600,000 this year to a record 6 million.

``Voter registration has eclipsed all records, no doubt about it,'' says state elections director Gary Bartlett.

The apparent beneficiaries: Democrats. Analysts say the changes have helped Democrat Barack Obama make the state an unexpected battleground.

``Clearly, the advantage goes to Obama,'' says Ferrel Guillory, director of the Program on Public Life at UNC Chapel Hill.

This is being repeated in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Nevada with reports like these:

But voter registration trends in Nevada favor Democrats this year. From January through August, Democrats gained 58,134 new registered voters in Nevada, compared to 7,315 for Republicans. At the end of August, there were 565,855 registered Democrats in the state and 489,802 Republicans, according to the Nevada secretary of state's office. The key to winning the state, however, is with the 200,959 registered nonpartisans.

This year, local Democrats are determined to deliver the state to Obama, and volunteers from Nevada and California are turning out in droves for registration drives and other grass-roots efforts.

Then there is Virginia:

Monday is the deadline to register in time to vote in the Nov. 4 general election, but already more than 50,000 18-year-olds have registered to vote in Virginia.

Since the start of the year, Virginia has added 284,162 new voters, according to a Sept. 25 report from the state board of elections. That’s more than a 6 percent increase over the 2004 voter registrations.

Of Virginia’s new voters, about 42 percent are between 17 and 25 years old. The vast majority of the new voters were between the ages of 17 and 20, which means this will be their first time voting in a presidential election.

Translating this also brings us to NBC's internal polling that Obama is winning the new voter and youth vote (under 29 years old) two-to-one. This brings us back to the my original thoughts where this election is not so much about the particular individuals but bloodlessly stemming the last eight years. McCain's stature and support are waning with each day and the consistency of the polls are demonstrating this nationally and state by state.

The news that Obama is leading in Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, puts the McCain campaign behind the Eight Ball in that those are must wins states for them.
A new set of Quinnipiac polls gives Barack Obama the lead in all three of the largest swing states: He's up 51%-43% in Florida, 50%-42% in Ohio, and 54%-39% in Pennsylvania, all outside the ±3.4% margins of error. Three weeks ago, Quinnipiac put Obama ahead in Ohio and Pennsylvania, but behind by seven points in Florida. The reason for Obama's surge: The economy.
This is against the national tracking polling that is validating the electoral lead:
What is telling is that in four polls Obama is over the 50% mark and in three others he is at 49%.

The other is the spread averaging 6.2 points which equates to 250 vote electoral win---WOW!

Finally the anticipation of tomorrow's Vice President debate is like the Super Bowl. That said CBS News is rumored to be releasing this tidbit of Palinology where an anonymous aide told Politico of a real doozie ...
Palin noted Roe vs. Wade but was unable to reference or discuss any other major court cases.
"There was no verbal fumbling with this particular question as there was with some others, the aide said, but rather silence," Martin wrote.

That was an anonymous account. And CBS News has refused to publicly confirm it. But a few moments ago, CBS News released the text of a couple questions (but not the answers) that Palin has been asked on interview footage that's set to air tonight. And sure enough, one of them is...

Why do you think Roe v. Wade is a good or bad decision? What other Supreme Court decisions do you disagree with?
It is said that viewers who take this seriously will be warned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work