Yesterday the Obama campaign continued to surge forward towards the inevitable nomination as it picked up three (3) more superdelegate endorsements out Hawaii's State Central Committee Meeting. There two automatic superdelegates were selected to fill their remaining slots; State Party Chairman Brian Schatz (DNC-HI) and vice chairwoman Kari Luna (DNC-HI) were chosen in the DNC slots and have stated they will support Obama at the national convention, and then Hawaii state democrats chose retired Justice James Burns (Add-On-HI) who is also an Obama supporter, its last remaining superdelegate. This brings Obama's hard count total up to 276.5 combined with his pledged delegates up to 1976 (49 short of the 2025). Repeating myself this leaves him 9 short of 2025 if the projected 40 pledged delegates Obama is conservatively predicted to secure in next week's three remaining primaries (PR, MT, & SD). There is one Add-On superdelegate (ME) that will be chosen before next week's primaries coincidentally in another state that Obama won. Jimmy Carter is predicting that the superdelegates will force Hillary Clinton to withdraw within a week. The news focused much on Clinton's use of the word assassination to justify her remaining in the race where she used her access to a NY newspaper, (Daily News owned by Mortimor Zuckerman):This past Friday, during a meeting with a newspaper editorial board, I was asked about whether I was going to continue in the presidential race.
I made clear that I was - and that I thought the urgency to end the 2008 primary process was unprecedented. I pointed out, as I have before, that both my husband's primary campaign, and Sen. Robert Kennedy's, had continued into June.
Almost immediately, some took my comments entirely out of context and interpreted them to mean something completely different - and completely unthinkable.
I want to set the record straight: I was making the simple point that given our history, the length of this year's primary contest is nothing unusual. Both the executive editor of the newspaper where I made the remarks, and Sen. Kennedy's son, Bobby Kennedy Jr., put out statements confirming that this was the clear meaning of my remarks. Bobby stated, "I understand how highly charged the atmosphere is, but I think it is a mistake for people to take offense."
I realize that any reference to that traumatic moment for our nation can be deeply painful - particularly for members of the Kennedy family, who have been in my heart and prayers over this past week. And I expressed regret right away for any pain I caused.
But I was deeply dismayed and disturbed that my comment would be construed in a way that flies in the face of everything I stand for - and everything I am fighting for in this election.
And today, I would like to more fully answer the question I was asked: Why do I continue to run, even in the face of calls from pundits and politicians for me to leave this race?
I am running because I still believe I can win on the merits. Because, with our economy in crisis, our nation at war, the stakes have never been higher - and the need for real leadership has never been greater - and I believe I can provide that leadership.
I am not unaware of the challenges or the odds of my securing the nomination - but this race remains extraordinarily close, and hundreds of thousands of people in upcoming primaries are still waiting to vote. As I have said so many times over the course of this primary, if Sen. Obama wins the nomination, I will support him and work my heart out for him against John McCain. But that has not happened yet.
I am running because I believe staying in this race will help unite the Democratic Party. I believe that if Sen. Obama and I both make our case - and all Democrats have the chance to make their voices heard - in the end, everyone will be more likely to rally around the nominee.
Ms. Hillary Clinton, this is not an apology that clearly demonstrates empathy or contrition, it is what a lawyer who write to a court. Senator Clinton this is no different than crying "Fire" in a crowded theater, or "Bomb" on an airplane, "Hilter" at a Jewish Synagogue. It is plainly an inflammatory word that is inexcusable. Now that leads us to the former editor of the Washington Times and 3-time Emmy award winner, Liz Tratta, who is a FOX News Contributor. She also stepped in it yesterday and had to apologize this morning with her indigenous joke about assassination and Obama. If this past you by yesterday on the FOX Cable News Ms. Tratta was a guest commentator with Eric Shawn who inquired Tratta's thoughts on Clinton's assassination word usage, Politico's Michael Calderone reports: Trotta: "And now we have what some are reading as a suggestion that somebody knock off Osama, uh Obama. Well, both, if we could."
Shawn: "Talk about how you really feel."
Today on with Bill Hemmer she came on and apologized: Trotta: Yes, I am so sorry about what happened yesterday and the lame attempt at humor. I feel all over myself, making it appear that I wished Barack Obama harm or any other candidate, for that matter, and I sincerely regret it and apologize to anybody I have offended. It is a very colorful political season, and many of us are making mistakes and saying things we wish we had not said.
Well this continuing Freudian Slip about the assassination of a candidate who's had to take on secret service detail because of threats, is there an agenda by individual media types and politicians mixing up "Osama" and "Obama" to the November Election Day? Who's kidding who?
Now here is a thought about the actual Clinton strategy. Some have speculated that she wants something, be it a VP spot (that ended with her word usage, and actually never was), cabinet post, (yeah her and Governor Lepetomane from the movie "Blazing Saddles"), a Supreme Court appointment, (really...that would be something), no what she wants is the Presidency continuation of the Clintons’ unmasked sense of narcissistic entitlement. Neither Bill nor Hillary appear to give a damn about the Democrats actually retaking the White House if it is not a Clinton.
Actions speak volumes when it comes to politics and persons. If I recall correctly when their supposed friend and former running mate Al Gore sought the presidency back before "W". Both the Clintons' gave what was an apparent endorsement, but if you have more than a short term memory they didn't give their full effort behind Al Gore. On the contrary they simply gave what was nothing but political lip-service to Gore's campaign, and now in retrospect being content to give White House to the Republicans and their "Conservatives Without Conscience" governance. They were able to build a supposed inevitable Hillary candidacy with eight years in the Senate making her the inevitable for a run in 2008. That has not come to pass, failing miserably with a error filled and arrogant campaign, heavily in debt resulting in a divisive outcome for her and Bill.
It appears certain now the Clintons will try to punch as many holes in Obama's political career and ascendancy to the White House as they possibly can, using what is left of the Clinton political machine. Their seat of the pants strategy will be to try to unearth as many "Obama-suspect" issues there are media types willing to repeat them, yet with a sublime surrogate benefit to prop up McCain's candidacy. In what will be a transparent passive-aggressive move endorse Barack Obama repeating their Al Gore strategy by mouthing the words but not truly campaigning for Obama.
Why? This will seek to have Sen. McCain to become the next president and with a continuation of the current Bush foreign policy and economic policy, which will again open the field for Hillary to be the presumptive Democratic nominee in 2012. Reality is that the Clintons don't give a hill of beans about America's surging problems or the idea of its working and middle classes shrinking squeeze or the exploitations of our minorities or the growing elderly unless they are eating off a new set of White House china.
Here is my sage predictions: The Clinton's will actually escalate negativism towards Obama and the Democratic Party following this week's Rules Committee meeting and the National Convention. They will push with emotion the issue of Michigan and Florida even seeking emergency legal action. Her campaign will try anything and everything to make a final play for the superdelegates, including digging up any more dirt on Obama saying is is less electable attempting to leave the Democratic Party in a desired shreds. Then saying she is physically and emotionally give a public crying "jag" illicitly seeking feminist sympathy and going home to Bill, Chelsea and the dogs. This their plan, Wolfson, Terry McA, Ickles and the lot. But there are significant defections who are providing Obama political intelligence. The Democrats and the elders will not let this happen without more damage to the Clintons, possibly ex-communication or ostracism from the Party. Obama will prevail through all of this, the same way Lincoln, Washington and Roosevelt prevailed, because Obama will have the votes. With the votes he will reclaim the Democratic Party from the Clinton's and win the Presidency leaving Hillary without an important seat in the Senate and Bill being exposed as a blowhard. Such irony and actually a better book than the Little Prince, possibly titled the Little Princess.